Friday 7 October 2016

Three Important Reasons to Consider Hydrotherapy Treatment near Essex

Aquatic therapy involves the use of a specially designed pool to perform manual therapy, exercises, gait training, and sensory integration.  It utilises the water’s properties to provide a safe, invigorating, and functional atmosphere in restoring normal movement.  There are many reasons to choose a hydrotherapy treatment near Essex, and here are just a few of them:
  • Buoyancy – This property of water reduces the force of gravity on your body by as much as 80 percent (at a chest-high level). This type of environment allows you to move without the stress that your body typically receives from your daily life. Buoyancy also decreases the compression of gravity on your spine. A physiotherapist can use hydrotherapy to improve your range of motion by reducing the force that gravity exerts.
  • Hydrostatic pressure -Referring to the force applied to your body by the water, hydrostatic pressure can aid in reducing edema, improving circulation, and even in decreasing blood pressure. Hydrostatic pressure can also be used for resistance (to strengthen and tone muscles) and to improve your breathing capacity. Proper hydrotherapy allows your chest muscles to get used to expanding more, so you can breathe better in your daily life.
  • Temperature – The best hydrotherapy and physiotherapy clinics use an optimum aquatic temperature to help your tissues to relax as well as improve flexibility. The perfect temperature also lets you focus on your movements comfortably. Hydrotherapy allows your physiotherapist to create a challenging yet safe setting for you to start and progress in your rehabilitation program.
The versatility of hydrotherapy has been shown to be useful in treating patients suffering from fibromyalgia, gait dysfunctions, rotator cuff injuries, plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, post-surgical conditions, low back pain, and many other conditions. Be sure to go to a physiotherapy clinic that can customise a water-based treatment plan based on your medical problem and overall condition. The best hydrotherapy clinics can even work with your doctors to ensure optimum results.

Proper Sports Physiotherapy in London Can Help You Recover from Football Injuries Quickly

Sports physiotherapy is a highly specialised branch of physiotherapy dealing with uses related to athletes, including football injuries. From broken metatarsals to dislocated shoulders, proper physiotherapy in London can help you recover from a host of injuries you might get on the football field. Below are just some of those injuries:
Dislocated shoulder
Colliding with another player or falling can cause your arm to be forced or pulled from its joint, dislocating it. Intensive physiotherapy will follow any surgical stabilisation your doctor might do. You and your sports physiotherapist will work on regaining flexibility and muscle strength to lower the risk of another dislocation in the future. Recovery can take anywhere from 2-6 months.
Groin strain 
When the adductor muscles (located on the inside of your thighs) are stretched beyond limit, they tear and cause groin strain. This can happen when you do side steps or stretch for the ball. Immediate treatment involves“protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation” (PRICE protocol) to reduce swelling and bleeding. This will be followed by sports physiotherapy, which may involve gentle stretching, muscle strengthening and soft tissue work.
Hamstring strain
Your hamstrings refer to the group of four muscles at the back of your thigh. Overstretching during rapid and explosive movements (such as sprinting) can cause them to tear. After the PRICE protocol, you might need to undergo sports physiotherapy involving soft tissue work, gentle stretching, and muscle strengthening.
Broken metatarsal
The metatarsals refer to bones in the feet that sometimes break because of excessive contact, rotational force, and overuse in football. You might need to wear an air cast boot to take weight off the foot and let it heal. Your sports physiotherapist will work with you to maintain your fitness, balance and coordination as well as your muscle movement and strength as you recover.